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Мои файлы [1]

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обратные ссылки
06.03.2010, 12:47
/** * AutomaticBackLinks.com - PHP linking code * Copy and paste this code in your php document where you want your links to display * Make sure that this code is inside PHP tags */ error_reporting(1); //Settings $abCacheFolderName = "automaticbacklinks_cache"; $abAccountCode = "863501702ceb3cf452bea468313adfbc"; $abCacheHours = "24"; /** * Do not change anything below * Do not change anything below * Do not change anything below * Do not change anything below * Do not change anything below */ $v = "2.3"; $s = "php"; $abMsg = array(); if (trim($_GET['ab_debug']) == '863501702ceb3cf452bea468313adfbc') { $debug = true; echo "
  • Version: ".$v; echo "
  • System: ".$s; unset($_GET['ab_debug']); } //Create cache folder if it does not exist $cacheFolder = abGetCacheFolder($abCacheFolderName, $debug); if ($cacheFolder) { //Current URL $page = abGetPageUrl($debug); if (abIsValidUrl($page, $debug)) { $cacheFileName = $cacheFolder."/".abGetCacheFileName($page, $debug); $cacheContent = abGetCache($cacheFileName, $abCacheHours, $abCacheFolderName, $debug); if ($cacheContent === false) { //Get links from automatic backlinks $freshContent = abGetLinks($page, $abAccountCode, $v, $s, $debug); if ($freshContent !== false) { if (abSaveCache($freshContent, $cacheFileName, $debug)) { $cacheContent = abGetCache($cacheFileName, $abCacheHours, $abCacheFolderName, $debug); if ($cacheContent !== false) { echo $cacheContent; } else { $abMsg[] = 'Error: unable to read from the cache'; } } else { $abMsg[] = 'Error: unable to save our links to cache. Please make sure that the folder '.$abCacheFolderName.' located in the folder '.$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].' and has CHMOD 0777'; } } else { $abMsg[] = 'Error: unable to get links from server. Please make sure that your site supports either file_get_contents() or the cURL library.'; } } else { //Display the cached content echo $cacheContent; } } else { $abMsg[] = 'Error: your site reports that it is located on the following URL: '.$page.' - This is not a valid URL and we can not display links on this page. This is probably due to an incorrect setting of the $_SERVER variable.'; } } else { $abMsg[] = 'Error: Unable to create or read from your link cache folder. Please try to create a folder by the name "'.$abCacheFolderName.'" directly in the root of your site and CHMOD the folder to 0777'; } foreach ($abMsg as $error) { echo $error."
    "; } /** * Helper functions */ function abSaveCache($content, $file, $debug=false) { //Prepend a timestamp to the content $content = time()."|".$content; echo ($debug) ? "
  • Saving Cache: ".$content : ""; $fh = fopen($file, 'w'); if ($fh !== false) { if (!fwrite($fh, $content)) { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Error Saving Cache!" : ""; return false; } } else { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Error opening cache file for writing!" : ""; return false; } if (!fclose($fh)) { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Error closing file handle!" : ""; return false; } if (!file_exists($file)) { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Error could not create cache file!" : ""; return false; } else { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Cache file created successfully" : ""; return true; } } //Deletes any cache file that is older than 24 hours function abClearOldCache($cacheFolderName, $cacheHours, $debug=false) { $cacheFolder = abGetCacheFolder($cacheFolderName); if (is_dir($cacheFolder)) { if ($dh = opendir($cacheFolder)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (strpos($file, ".cache")) { $modified = filemtime($cacheFolder."/".$file); $timeCutOff = time()-(60*60*$cacheHours); if ($modified < $timeCutOff) { @unlink($cacheFolder."/".$file); } } } closedir($dh); } } } //Returns the full path to the cache folder and also creates it if it does not work function abGetCacheFolder($cacheFolderName, $debug=false) { if (isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) { $docRoot = rtrim($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'],"/"); //Remove any trailing slashes } else if (isset($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'])) { $docRoot = rtrim(substr($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'], 0, 0 - strlen($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])), '\\'); $docRoot = str_replace('\\\\', '/', $docRoot); } else { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Error: Could not construct cache path" : ""; } $cacheFolder = $docRoot."/".$cacheFolderName; echo ($debug) ? "
  • Cache folder is: ".$cacheFolder : ""; if (!file_exists($cacheFolder)) { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Cache folder does not exist: ".$cacheFolder : ""; if (!@mkdir($cacheFolder,0777)) { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Error - could not create cache folder: ".$cacheFolder : ""; return false; } else { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Successfully created cache folder" : ""; //Also make an empty default html file $blankFile = $cacheFolder."/index.html"; if (!file_exists($blankFile)) { $newFile = @fopen($blankFile,"w"); @fclose($newFile); } } } return $cacheFolder; } //Url validation function abIsValidUrl($url, $debug=false) { $urlBits = @parse_url($url); if ($urlBits['scheme'] != "http" && $urlBits['scheme'] != "https") { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Error! URL does not start with http: ".$url : ""; return false; } else if (strlen($urlBits['host']) < 4 || strpos($urlBits['host'], ".") === false) { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Error! URL is incorrect: ".$url : ""; return false; } return true; } //Get the name of the cache file name function abGetCacheFileName($url, $debug=false) { $cacheFileName = md5($url).".cache"; echo ($debug) ? "
  • Cache file name for URL: ".$url." is ".$cacheFileName : ""; return $cacheFileName; } //Attempts to load the cache file function abGetCache($cacheFile, $cacheHours, $cacheFolderName, $debug=false) { //If the url is called with ab_cc=1 then discard the cache file if (isset($_GET['ab_cc']) && $_GET['ab_cc'] == "1") { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Clear cache invoked!" : ""; abRemoveCacheFile($cacheFile); unset($_GET['ab_cc']); return false; } if (!file_exists($cacheFile)) { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Error! Cache file does not exist! ".$cacheFile : ""; return false; } $cache_contents = @file_get_contents($cacheFile); if ($cache_contents === false) { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Error: Cache file is completely empty!" : ""; return false; } else { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Cache file contents".$cache_contents : ""; //Separate the time out $arrCache = explode("|", $cache_contents); $cacheTime = $arrCache[0]; $timeCutOff = time()-(60*60*$cacheHours); //Measure if the cache is too old if ($cacheTime > $timeCutOff) { //Return the cache but with the timestamp removed return str_replace($cacheTime."|", "", $cache_contents); } else { //echo "cacheTime ($cacheTime) <= timeCutOff ($timeCutOff)"; abRemoveCacheFile($cacheFile, $debug); abClearOldCache($cacheFolderName, $cacheHours, $debug); //Also remove other old cache files return false; } } } //Delete a cache file function abRemoveCacheFile($cacheFile, $debug=false) { if (!@unlink($cacheFile)) { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Error: Could not remove cache file: ".$cacheFile : ""; return false; } else { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Successfully removed the cache file: ".$cacheFile : ""; return true; } } //Loads links from the automaticbacklinks web site function abGetLinks($page, $accountCode, $v, $s, $debug=false) { //Make the URL $url = "http://www.automaticbacklinks.com/links.php"; $url = $url."?a=".$accountCode; $url = $url."&v=".$v; $url = $url."&s=".$s; $url = $url."&page=".urlencode($page); echo ($debug) ? "
  • Making call to AB: ".$url : ""; ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 10); if (intval(get_cfg_var('allow_url_fopen')) && function_exists('file_get_contents')) { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Using file_get_contents()" : ""; $links = @file_get_contents($url); } else if (intval(get_cfg_var('allow_url_fopen')) && function_exists('file')) { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Using file()" : ""; if ($content = @file($url)) { $links = @join('', $content); } } else if (function_exists('curl_init')) { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Using cURL()" : ""; $ch = curl_init ($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $links = curl_exec($ch); curl_close ($ch); } else { echo ($debug) ? "
  • Error: no method available to fetch links!" : ""; return false; } return $links; } //remove ab_cc etc. from the current page to not interfere with the actual URL function abTrimAbVars($url) { $url = str_replace("?ab_cc=1", "", $url); $url = str_replace("&ab_cc=1", "", $url); $url = str_replace("?ab_debug=863501702ceb3cf452bea468313adfbc", "", $url); $url = str_replace("&ab_debug=863501702ceb3cf452bea468313adfbc", "", $url); $url = str_replace("&phpinfo=1", "", $url); return $url; } //Get page function abGetPageUrl($debug=false) { $query = ""; $protocol = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != "off") ? "https://" : "http://"; $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if ($_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"]) { //Redirect if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_SCRIPT_URI'])) { //Use URI - it is complete $page = $_SERVER['REDIRECT_SCRIPT_URI']; } else { //Use file and query $file = $_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"]; if (isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'])) { $query = "?".$_SERVER['REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING']; } } } else { //No redirect if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { //Use URI if (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],0,4) == "http") { //Request URI has host in it $page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } else { //Request uri lacks host $page = $protocol.$host.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } } else if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI'])) { //Use URI - it is complete $page = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_URI']; } else { $file = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $query = "?".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } } } if (!$page) { $page = $protocol.$host.$file.$query; } $page = abTrimAbVars($page); echo ($debug) ? "
  • This page is reported as: ".$page : ""; return $page; } //Show phpinfo if debug is on and phpinfo is requested if ($debug && $_GET['phpinfo']) { ?>
    var container = document.getElementById('nativeroll_video_cont'); if (container) { var parent = container.parentElement; if (parent) { const wrapper = document.createElement('div'); wrapper.classList.add('js-teasers-wrapper'); parent.insertBefore(wrapper, container.nextSibling); } }
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